New Site Brings In Plenty Of %%Local Leads%% For JCG Air Conditioning

Building a powerful website and driving growth with ongoing SEO and marketing strategies.

Building JCG Air Conditioning's %%Online Presence%%

JCG Air Conditioning Ltd., the go-to experts for residential and commercial HVAC services, have been around since 2014, mainly surviving on sub-contracts that take Jamie, the owner, all over the country. Jamie wanted more local work so he could spend more time with his young family. 

Enter Tradespeople Digital. 

Our mission? Build JCG's first website to showcase their expertise, drive local traffic in Dorset, and help Jamie land jobs closer to home.

Conquering %%Website Design and Local SEO%% Challenges for JCG Air Conditioning

Jamie was tired of constantly travelling the length and breadth of the country for sub-contracts and wanted to secure more local work in Dorset to spend time with his young family. 

To turn this ‘want’ into a reality, JCG needed a robust website that could handle 20+ pages, each dedicated to their six key services and the three areas they serve. They also needed on-page SEO to ensure they’d appear in local searches, a way to highlight their past projects, and engaging features to keep potential customers on the site. 

The goal? Drive local traffic and make it easy for customers to reach out and hire them. It was a big ask, but we were ready to tackle it head-on.

Our Tactical Approach to %%Building JCG's Local Presence Online%%

We started with a thorough consultation to understand Jamie's vision for JCG. Knowing he wanted more local work, we focused on creating a site that would appeal to Dorset residents. 

Our team designed and developed over 20 pages, each tailored to JCG's six key services – A/C installation, maintenance, and repairs for both residential and commercial clients. We also built individual pages for Poole, Bournemouth, and Christchurch to target specific local areas.

On-page SEO was integrated throughout to ensure the site ranked well in local searches. We crafted detailed case studies, created a recent work gallery, and added testimonials to build trust. Contact forms were kept clear and concise, with a 'call us' button in the navbar for mobile users to make calls to JCG directly. To keep visitors engaged, we included interactions and animations throughout the site. 

The result was a user-friendly, engaging website that truly represented JCG’s expertise and services.

Key Features of %%JCG's New Website%%

The new JCG website isn’t just a work of art – it’s a proper workhorse designed to get Jamie the results he wants.

We packed it with features to make sure it does the job right. For starters, we built over 20 pages, including detailed pages for each of their six main services: A/C installation, maintenance, and repairs for both residential and commercial clients. No more squeezing everything onto a couple of pages. Each service gets the spotlight it deserves, with plenty of room to showcase what they do best.

We didn’t stop there. We created specific pages for Poole, Bournemouth, and Christchurch – the three areas in Dorset they serve. This local focus helps potential clients find exactly what they need, where they need it.

On-page SEO? Done and dusted. We made sure every page is optimised to show up in local searches, helping JCG climb the search rankings. To show off their stellar work, we added detailed case studies and a recent work gallery. Plus, we included testimonials from happy clients to build trust and credibility.

For easy communication, we kept the contact forms straightforward and to the point. And for mobile users, there's a handy 'call us' button right in the navbar – no messing about copying and dialling. One click to call. Nice!

To keep visitors engaged, we sprinkled in some interactions and animations, making the site not just functional but fun to use. Oh, and it passed Lighthouse performance tests with flying colours, too!

In short, it’s a site that’s as hardworking as Jamie and his team.

How We’re Continuing To %%Boost JCG's Local Presence%%

We didn’t just build the website and call it a day. We’re in it for the long haul, making sure JCG’s digital presence stays top-notch. 

Here’s what we’re doing:

  • Google Business Profile: We set up and optimised their Google Business Profile to enhance local visibility and make it easier for customers to find them.
  • Website Hosting and Maintenance: We handle ongoing website hosting, maintenance, security, and updates, so Jamie doesn’t have to worry about a thing.
  • Local SEO: Our local SEO efforts cover NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency, citation building, and local keyword research to ensure JCG ranks well in local searches.
  • Content Marketing: We write monthly blog posts to build trust and nurture client relationships, showcasing JCG’s expertise and providing valuable insights.
  • Email Marketing: We’ve set up a lead magnet to capture email addresses, designed a lead nurturing sequence, and send out a monthly newsletter to keep clients engaged and informed.
  • Online Booking: To make things even easier for clients, we added a basic online booking calendar so they can book appointments with Jamie directly from the site.

All these ongoing efforts ensure JCG not only maintains a strong online presence but continues to grow and attract local business. 

We're committed to helping Jamie land more local work and spend more time with his family.

%%Impressive Results and Future Growth%% for JCG Air Conditioning

It's early days yet, but the foundation we’ve laid is rock solid. 

Despite it being a brand new website, JCG is already making waves. Jamie’s thrilled with the sleek design and functionality, and the initial feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

While it’s too soon for hard data, the signs are promising. The local SEO efforts are already starting to pay off, with more local traffic trickling in and clients making bookings. The email marketing campaigns are gaining traction, capturing leads, and keeping JCG top of mind with a monthly newsletter.

The online booking feature is a hit, making it easier for clients to schedule appointments, and the Google Business Profile is driving visibility in local searches. All this sets the stage for JCG to attract more local work in the second half of 2024, helping Jamie achieve his goal of staying closer to home.

We’re confident that with these robust foundations and ongoing efforts, JCG is on track for significant growth. The future looks bright for Jamie and his team, and we're excited to see how their business flourishes.

What JCG Had To Say %%About Our Work%%

Jamie’s over the moon with the new website and the ongoing support we’re providing. He’s especially pleased with how easy it is for clients to navigate the site and book appointments. The design, functionality, and early results have all exceeded his expectations.

Here's what Jamie had to say about working with us:

Couldn't be happier with our new website and the results we're already seeing. We wanted more work locally and that's exactly what we're getting.
Dave and his team provide a comprehensive service that's hard to beat. They've managed everything quickly and efficiently, from designing and building our site to running our digital marketing campaigns. Nothing is too much trouble.
I can't recommend Tradespeople Digital enough.

His feedback is a testament to the hard work and dedication we’ve put into ensuring JCG Air Conditioning Ltd. not only has a strong digital presence but continues to grow and thrive. We’re proud to have played a part in helping Jamie secure more local work and spend more quality time with his family.

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